Hope and Despair are odd companions. Together they guide the lost, remind the found, and patiently wait for those neither lost nor found. There Gnomes Walk into A Bar, acrylic 12x16 canvas , 2021. SOLD Sacred Respit, 18x24 Acrylic 3/4" Canvas Touched by starlight, St. Nick pauses to breath in the sacred moment. Turn on the lights, acrylic 8x8 canvas, 2020. SOLD Spring is Coming, acrylic 8x8 canvas, 2021 Mountain Pines, acrylic 6x12 canvas panel, 2021 Winter's Delight, acrylic 10x10 canvas, 2021 Candle of Hope, acrylic 11x14 canvas panel, 2021 Hope and Despair are odd companions. Together they guide the lost, remind the found, and patiently wait for those neither lost nor found.